Requirements for instruction when working on or near electrical installations:
In short, it can be expected that the certificate should be renewed annually – as mentioned in the course.
The more precise and correct answer depends on the circumstances.
First of all, the site operator can have special demands. Most often, in the wind industry, they say annually.
The answer related to the EN 50110 standard says that the instruction shall be given as often as necessary to ensure that no accidents can happen.
In Germany and France the regulations are more precise and state that instructions should happen at least annually.
In Denmark the regulations states the same as the EN 50110, but the authority administer the regulations, that unless special undangerous conditions, it shall be renewed annually. Only in the case of maintenance work (work according to maintenance procedures on or near installations which is to be concerned as safe) it might be accepted i.e. every two years.
The reason why it has become so complicated is to ensure that the person in control of the installation during work activities, can assess the circumstances at the specific work situation. He is the one responsible for the safety and the one to take blame if anything should happen.
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