


EE 2.3.0c

L-AUS / SIK 1082, EN 50110 & AT 1084, ed. 2023

Electrical Safety

3 – 4 hrs

Course length

45 Days


Price excl. VAT

Safety When Working on or near Electrical Installations (L-AUS)

Online E-Learning Course
EN 50110, edition - 2023 - Language:

This course meets the general requirements of the Danish authorities (Sikkerhedsstyrelsen (SIK) (The Danish Safety Authority), Arbejdstilsynet (AT) (The Danish Working Environment Authority) and other relevant authorities), including the Executive Order on Electrical Installations (SIK 1082) and the Working Environment Act (AT (LBK 2062), AT Guidelines 1.7.1-2 and many others).

Both the SIK and the AT require that persons who work on or near live electrical installations must be sufficiently instructed to ensure safe and correct behavior.

The Danish Safety Technology Authority and the Danish Working Environment Authority require compliance with the European standard for working on or near electrical installations (EN50110), which describes in detail the safety aspects associated with working on or near electrical installations and how these hazards should be addressed.

The course covers both regulations and different work situations so that the participant is familiar with the precautions to be taken in given situations.

In the event of an accident, first aid for electrical accidents is covered in the final chapter.

The course is structured with text, voice, pictures, video, and tests, each of which contributes to the understanding of the content.

Clips from the course

Course certificate

The course ends with a multiple choice test which must be passed with a minimum of 80% correct answers. Once the test is passed, a course certificate is automatically sent by email.

Course certificates are issued in English and Danish - in A4 and credit card formats.

The course certificates will be sent to the e-mail address provided for the course participant and, if provided, to the company / course administrator.

Course reminders

If the course participator has not completed the course with 14 days left to go, a reminder will automatically be sent to the participant. If the course is still not completed with 7 days to go, another reminder will be sent.

Annual reminders

If it is almost a year since the course completed, and the course participator has not been re-enrolled, an annual reminder will be sent that it may be time to renew the course. The reminder will be sent to the customer-/course administrator or to the course participator if no customer administrator is registered.


If there is a need to clarify specific questions, please feel welcome to contact EKU Support.

Company Manager

As an EKU customer, an administrator access can be created for one or more relevant persons. As an administrator, you will have access to a number of services, including the ability to instantly create course participants.

Scope of instruction

Both the Danish Safety Technology Authority, the Danish Working Environment Authority and European standards require that employees must be instructed in the work to be performed so that it can be carried out in a safe and healthy manner and without unforeseen incidents occurring.

Anyone working on or near live electrical installations must be specially instructed in correct safety behavior, regardless of whether the work is electrical or non-electrical. The training requirement applies to both electricians and others who will be carrying out the work.

The authorities do not specify any further formal requirements for the scope and quality of the training, but state that if an accident occurs, the training was not sufficient.

If an accident does occur, it will be almost impossible to argue that the training was adequate. In other words, there will be grounds for pursuing the company to establish liability.

In this respect, the company will be in the best position if it can document that it has actually carried out the training. The easiest way to obtain proof of training is to have a professional provider conduct the training for the employees.

EKU's electrical safety experts guarantee that the training given in EKU's courses meets the requirements for working in Denmark and that the safety training is of a professionally documented high level.

Frequency of instruction

There are no specific requirements for the frequency or quality of training in Denmark. Upon request, the authorities specify that the training must be sufficient to prevent undesirable incidents.

However, as a starting point, the training requirement is initially considered to be met if training takes place at least once a year. More frequently if the work is complex or dangerous.

In rare cases, training may be given less frequently, for example when maintaining equipment that poses a very low risk by design. An example would be replacing light bulbs under live conditions.

Supplementary instruction

The employer should supplement this with specific instructions on the actual work to be carried out. Depending on the complexity of the installation, work and hazardousness of the work, more frequent training may be required.

Additional information

We hope we have provided you with relevant information. If there are any topics on which you would like further information, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Safety When Working on or near Electrical Installations

- Course Language:


The course ensures that after its completion the student will be able to work near electrical installations, know how to avoid electrical accidents, and if one occurs, how to protect himself. Lectures have been developed by leading L-AUS directors with a high score of participant satisfaction. It has been designed to address electrical safety from a more practical view.


Access: 45 Days

The course will expire 45 days after the purchase or registration of the user.

Price: DKK 600,-

Including taxation, the total checkout price will be 750 DKK.

Duration: 3 Hours

This is an approximation in which the course can be completed.

Price excl. VAT.


On successful course completion, an email with an attached certificate is automatically sent to the student and/or the Course Education Manager (CEM).




EN 50 110 is the European norm for operation of electrical installations. All Cenelec countries are committed to implementing the norm into national regulation.

For work on or near electrical installations in Denmark, the Electrical Safety Act with accompanying executive orders from the Danish Safety Technology Authority and the Working Environment Act with accompanying executive orders, instructions and WEA Guidelines from the Danish Working Environment Authority apply. Both the standard and the Danish regulation is included in the course, and the certificate states qualification on both Danish regulations and European regulations.


Course Structure

The online course contains these sections:

1. Welcome and Course Navigation.
2. The regulations that Apply.
3. The Dangers of Electricity.
4. The Basic Principles of Electrical Safety.
5. Operational Procedures.
6. Working Procedures - General Aspects.
7. The Dead Working Procedure - working de-energized.
8.The Live Working Procedure - working energized.
9. Working in the Vicinity of Live Parts.11. The Maintenance Working Procedure
11. First Aid in case of Electrical Accidents.
12. Final test (80% correct answers is required for certification).